Life gets hectic from time to time and we may lose our focus of the outcome. I am going to show you a Life Management System for both personal and business life, so you never lose track of your outcomes.
Whether you'r a Entrepreneur balancing multiple business or just an employee of one. This system I am about to show you called "Chunking" I picked up awhile ago and I must say this is a game changer. So, what is Chunking you ask? Well let me tell you, it's simple. Putting all related things together like a filing cabinet or a binder. Picture it this way lets say someone was to dump everything in your house on your front lawn. You know one box is for the kitchen, one the den etc. Same concept, but we are going to put our life into categories, separating personal life and business life. This will help get you back on track faster.
Starting with personal life your going to make a list of categories, focusing on the ones we may need improvement in. For instance, Health, Family, Finances. Under each one, you will have your weekly outcomes and goals in each. Something you can Focus on each week. For your professional life, depending if your a business owner or another area, you will still make your categories. Some lists will have more than others.
When we crunch our personal life as well as our business life, it ensures we accomplish what we need to accomplish for that week. This should be a weekly thing. A huge problem is spending too much time in one area and neglecting another, or getting distracted when working on a project and forgetting where we were. With our system, we can now just go to our little filing cabinet and get back to it.
Marketing, you will write down what your outcomes you have for that week. Sales, Finances, again write down your weekly outcomes. You should be able to hand off your sales and marketing binders to your team and they should know exactly what needs to get done and how they are going to accomplish it. Now, having a good company culture and being an effective leader will make this process easier, but that is a whole different topic.
Now that you have the main broad concept. Some of these categories we just cringe when we hear about them, thus putting them off. So were going to change your category names to "Emotional Juice" words. Remember, no matter how minuscule a task may seem, each part is all for the big common outcome. Without paperwork being filed, orders will not get met or our finances will be off. Changing the titles will help you go after each category with the right state of mind. You may use terms like 'Crushing it' 'Dominate' 'Kill the competition' 'Prioritizing Projects' 'Nail marketing down'. Anything that gets your juices flowing at the same time reminding you that the paperwork is not just not tedious work, without it the whole company falls down. Every category personal or professional needs to be equal. That's where the magic starts happening.
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